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AFC Urgent Care Short Pump


Phone (804) 747-5555
Address 4101 Dominion Blvd., Suite 300,
Glen Allen, VA 23060 United States


If you are looking for a clinic offering covid testing and many other treatments, you can find it at AFC Urgent Care in a short pump. This is the branch of AFCU that offers specialty services that traditional urgent care does not offer. All the doctors are highly trained in their fields and are committed to providing a quality service to patients who need medical treatment quickly. All the practitioners at AFC Urgent Care Short Pump have also been through extensive training designed to bring an individual’s skills up to date with what is needed today so they can provide patients with the best possible health care. The doctors and nurses at AFC Urgent Care Short Pump all have a high level of human interaction skills, and they all work together as a team to ensure the success of their patients. With the most up-to-date technology available, AFC Urgent Care in Shortpump will diagnose and treat any ailment or injury in a timely manner.

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